Rich organic soil improver made from composted forestry and garden cuttings for improving the structure and physical and chemical characteristics of all kind of soil. Low electrical conductivity, pH close to
neutral and high organic matter. Medium-fine texture. Ecological substrate.
Composition: Composted pine bark and plant waste.
Application: This product is appropriate for improving soil before seeding and transplanting outdoor, aromatic or seasonal plants in planters and flower beds. Specially suitable for preparing soil destined to grass planting or lawn in general.
Instructions for use:
- To improve soil: spread a uniform layer of 3-4 cm deep. Mix with the soil homogeneously and then water.
- Preparation of land for the plantation of grass: spread a 2-3 cm layer of organic fertilizer and rake. Sow and cover seed with a Seed Cover to ensure the germination of the seed and avoid losing it.Water afterwards.
Supply: Bulk, Big-Bag (1 m³) and 35 l, 50 l, 70 l Bags.